Committee: Security Council Topic: The Situation in Syria,
Country: Kingdom of Morocco
Topic Background
The Syrian Arab Republic is currently in a state of civil war with its multi-religious and multi-ethnic society. For a year and a half since the “Arab Spring”, the rebel movement has protested the restrictions on their rights and the lack of government transparency, while the oppressive Syrian government, led by Bashar al-Assad, is fraught with corruption and attempts to stifle the rebels. Syria receives support from surrounding countries in the Middle East and Asia in the form of weapons and propaganda. A major problem is that the Syrian conflict has forced millions of Syrians to flee to country, the majority being women and children. Key army units remain loyal to the regime as the prolonged civil war ensues, with disastrous consequences expected to hit Syria’s warring. According the United Nations’ proceedings in July, the conflict has claimed an estimated 17,000 of civilians’ lives, displaced more than 1.2 million Syrians, and has caused more than 1 million people to flee to neighboring Middle Eastern nations such as Iraq, Jordan, and Turkey to seek refuge.
UN Involvement & History on the Subject
International disapproval of the Syrian massacre was highlighted in the Arab League’s observation of the Syrian government in 2011. This marked the pinnacle of Syria isolating itself from most of its former neighboring allies. In a letter circulated by the Security Council in April of 2013, the UN ambassador of Jordan, Prince Zeid Ra’adZeid Al Hussein, addressed the issue of Syrian refugees fleeing to Jordan. The influx of Syrians into surrounding areas has greatly compromised the international peace and security of Jordan among other nations, as stated in the letter.
Morocco’s Policy & Proposals for Future Actions
Morocco’s current policy focuses on indirectly assisting the rebel movement by providing supplies and asylum to those groups affected by the civil war. The delegation considers it imperative that a cease-fire be put into action as soon as possible, thus allowing diplomacy to thrive between both parties. Morocco can offer asylum to refugees of the Syrian conflict because the nation is deeply concerned about the traumatizing experiences that the population is going through, which is a clear infringement of human rights. The delegation suggests utilizing the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) to emphasize the Syrian situation specifically. This could help in collaborating with countries to identify and find a new home for refugee and providing jobs, education, and healthcare programs. The means of how these refugees will arrive at their new home will also be at the discretion of the UNHCR council. Finally, Morocco is a proud supporter of a political transition in Syria, with the ideal outcome of the transition being resilient peace.
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