Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Position Paper on the Involvement of weapons in the Syrian conflict

Hey this is a Position Paper I worked on. I hope you like it and it is useful for your model UN conferences or just for your general knowledge.

 Committee: Security Council

Country: United States of America

Topic: B, Involvement of weapons in Syria

Delegate:  Daniel Ricardo Saa Zaniefski

School: CUAM CUN


 In 2011, following a series of protests that sparked across the Middle Eastern region. The people of Syria tired of the oppression of Bashar Al- Assad took to the streets and began protesting. Assad with the support of the Syrian army responded to the protests violently. Since then, there has been 70,000 deaths, several defectors, and many people arrested with no fundament in the least. Weapons as mean of killing have had a great impact in this conflict.



The delegation considers it imperative that the Security Council understands and comprehends that the United States has not dealt weapons to either side in the conflict and that if US weapons have been seen in Syria they have not been sent there by the government. The United States has a no tolerance policy for terrorists and does not negotiate with these. The United States would formally recognize a coalition of Syrian opposition groups as the countries legitimate representative.


President Obama mentioned that Not everybody who isparticipating on the ground in fighting Assad are people thatwe are comfortable with,” Mr. Obama praised theoppositionknown formally as the National Coalition ofSyrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forcesfor what hesaid was its inclusivenessits openness to various ethnic andreligious groups, and its ties to local councils involved in thefighting against Mr. Assad’s security forces. “At this pointwe have a well-organized-enough coalition — oppositioncoalition that is representative — that we can recognize themas the legitimate representative of the Syrian people,


The only way to stop the problem is by putting a halt to violence in the country.  For this, Assad has to step down and allow a clean transition to power.  If there is weapon trade in the world. Nations should control the weapons they export and make sure these end in the right hands. In Syria acease fire has to be implemented. Heavy weapons have to be halted. If promises are broken sanctions have to be put. A weapon ban has to be pursued in Syria and an anti-weapon program also.

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