Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Position Paper on Child Soldiers:Kenya

Hey I just wanted to leave this position paper here. It can be useful to you. I hope you can learn from it and see the harsh reality many children face and what is being done about this.

Child soldiers are boys and girls under the age of 18 who have been reported in many conflicts acting as soldiers for a rebel group or even a government. To this  day tens of thousands of  children serve in armed forces. Governments and rebel forces recruit these children because they are cheaper to feed and clothe. Child soldiers are often recruited from empobrished countries, countries shaken by conflict, or in rural parts of countries.

 The Kenyan delegation is in disagreement with child soldiers that is why it has signed "A world fit for children" which prohibits children under the age of 18 to be participants in armed conflict. In the kenyan constitution it is stated that no child under 18 can take part in hostilities or be recruited in armed conflicts, also that no child between 16-18 years old can participate in a job that would keep them away from school or be hazardous. To prevent children to join an armed rebel force the kenyan government has changed the constitution, this guarantees all children free education,basic nutrition, shelter, health care, parental care and protection for children. Spending on social services has been increased in recent years, this is a reason why child mortality has decreased in the nation. In kenya d
tuition for primary and secondary school is free, this means more kids in school and less in armed conflicts.

Kenya suggests the increase in social activities, mobile schools, more investment in education and pursuit of the leaders of the rebel forces who recruit child soldiers. The kenyan delegation calls upon countries to guarantee basic human rights in their constitution and upon more powerful countries to help these countries  guarantee these basic rights.


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